A Safety Officer’s Journey to Becoming an OSH Practitioner

Patrick Sevilla

Mr. Patrick Sevilla exemplifies the commitment to safety and professional growth that defines our company. His story of achieving OSH Practitioner accreditation from the Occupational Safety and Health Center showcases the perseverance and dedication required to become a licensed OSH Practitioner in the Philippines.


Becoming a licensed OSH Practitioner in the Philippines is no easy feat. The process involves extensive education, training, and certification, reflecting the critical role that safety plays in the construction industry. The requirements include completing a mandatory 40-hour Construction Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) training course, accumulating relevant work experience, and passing a comprehensive examination.


In the Philippines, there are only a limited number of licensed OSH Practitioners, which underscores the difficulty of obtaining this accreditation. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Center, there are only 2,417 accredited Practitioners in the Philippines as of July 19, 2024. This number illustrates the stringent standards and commitment required to achieve this status.

“Preparing for the panel interview was intense,” Mr. Sevilla recalls, “It involved a deep dive into various Department Orders and safety regulations, all of which are critical for maintaining safety standards on our construction sites. Passing the interview was a significant milestone in my career.”


The achievement of OSH Practitioner accreditation by Mr. Sevilla has a profound impact on Devex. It demonstrates our commitment to professional development and safety. On construction sites, the skills and knowledge gained by Mr. Sevilla ensure the safety and efficiency of our projects, thereby enhancing our reputation as a leading construction company.

As an OSH Practitioner at Devex, Mr. Patrick Sevilla plays a crucial role in maintaining the highest safety standards across our projects. His responsibilities include developing and implementing EHS policies, conducting risk assessments, providing safety training, investigating incidents, and ensuring compliance with local and international safety regulations. By upholding these safety measures, Mr. Sevilla significantly contributes to the success of Devex’s projects.

Reflecting on Mr. Sevilla’s experience, he shares, “I am grateful for the opportunity to grow professionally and contribute to the safety of our construction sites. This accreditation is not just a personal achievement but a testament to the collaborative effort and commitment to safety at Devex.”


Becoming a licensed OSH Practitioner is a testament to the commitment and hard work required to achieve such a prestigious accreditation. It emphasizes the standards set by the Philippine government and the limited number of professionals who have successfully met these criteria.

We are proud to support our employees in their professional growth and to maintain a strong focus on safety across all our projects. Through the achievements of individuals like Mr. Sevilla, we continue to build trust and establish our authority in the construction industry, ensuring that safety and quality remain at the forefront of our operations.

Written by: Christian Kimp Atip

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