Refrigerated Display

Refrigerated Display

Refrigerated cabinets are storage units that are designed to display and store food items and drinks while maintaining the proper temperature required by each product. Chillers and freezers have adjustable temperatures that range from -4°C to +25°C for chillers and -18°C to -22°C for freezers.

Devex has partnered with Arneg, the worldwide refrigeration expert in the design, manufacture and installation of complete equipment for the retail sector.

Since food products recommend a specific temperature for storage and preservation, Arneg offers different devices fit for different temperature requirements.

Arneg refrigerated cabinets are intended for product display and units come equipped with transparent sliding doors, swing type doors or are open but may have strip curtains as an alternative.

Arneg family

Open type refrigerated display

Open type refrigerated display


Typically used for commercial establishments, open type freezers and chillers allow efficient merchandising by letting customers effortlessly view products and reach-in to take them.


Refrigerated display cabinets can be seen mostly in large retail stores like supermarkets and retail chains like convenience stores. They are primarily used for displaying food products that need to be kept chilled or frozen..

closed-type refrigerated display

Closed-type refrigerated showcase

Refrigerated serve-over

Refrigerated serve-over


Usually seen at the fresh meat section of supermarkets, serve-over units are used to display and temporarily store meat, poultry and seafood products.


Units with sliding doors and open-types are often combined with units that have swing type doors and are utilized in large retail stores to maximize floor space.

Combination type display

Combination type display